
Entretien: Senecio rowleyanus String of perles


Maintenance: Senecio rowleyanus String of pearls

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Senecio rowleyanus, commonly known as "String of pearls", is an attractive and easy to care for succulent plant. Here are some tips for caring for your Senecio rowleyanus: 1. **Light:** - Place the Senecio rowleyanus in a bright location with bright indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sun, but prolonged exposure can burn the leaves. 2. **Watering:** - This succulent plant prefers moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings to prevent root rot. - Reduce watering during the dormant period in winter. 3. **Humidity:** - Bead chains adapt well to normal humidity levels in most homes. They do not need high humidity. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a normal room temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Avoid extreme temperatures. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize lightly with a balanced succulent fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Do not apply fertilizer during the winter. 6. **Soil:** - Use a cactus and succulent potting mix or prepare your own mix with standard potting soil and sand to ensure good drainage. 7. **Size:** - Remove discolored or damaged stems to encourage growth and maintain the appearance of the plant. 8. **Spread:** - String of pearls is easy to propagate from cuttings. Cut a healthy stem and let it dry before replanting it in a new substrate. 9. **Support:** - If the stems become too long and sag, you can support them with discreet stakes or hang them to maintain a beautiful hanging shape. 10. **Protection against parasites:** - Inspect the plant regularly for possible parasites, such as mealybugs or red spiders. Address any issues promptly if necessary. By following these care tips, you should be able to successfully grow and care for your Senecio rowleyanus and enjoy its long strings of delicate pearls.