
alocasia tiny dancer plante d'intérieur rare


Interview: Alocasia Tiny Dancer

by tushar gupta on Jan 08, 2024
Alocasia "Tiny Dancer" is a specific variety of houseplant belonging to the Araceae family. Here are some care tips for this plant: 1. **Light:** Place your Alocasia Tiny Dancer in a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight, especially during the hottest hours of the day. Filtered or subdued light is ideal. 2. **Watering:** Alocasia likes moist soil, but it is crucial not to let water stagnate in the pot. Water the plant when the top third of the soil is dry. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent excess water. 3. **Humidity:** Alocasias appreciate a humid atmosphere. You can increase the humidity around the plant by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier. 4. **Soil:** Use a mixture of well-draining potting soil with organic matter. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent water accumulation. 5. **Temperature:** Keep your Alocasia within a temperature range of 18 to 26 degrees Celsius. Avoid extreme temperatures and cold drafts. 6. **Fertilization:** During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize your Alocasia Tiny Dancer every 2 to 4 weeks with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Reduce the frequency during the winter season. 7. **Grooming:** Remove yellowed or damaged leaves regularly to encourage new leaf growth. 8. **Rotation:** Turn the plant regularly to ensure even growth, as Alocasias tend to grow toward the light. 9. **Pest monitoring:** Keep an eye out for possible pests like mealybugs, aphids or spider mites. If you find any, treat them quickly with appropriate methods. 10. **Repotting:** If the plant outgrows its pot or the soil becomes compacted, consider repotting your Alocasia in the spring.
Entretien Syngonium Brocante Dark


Maintenance Syngonium Brocante Dark

by tushar gupta on Jan 04, 2024
Syngonium 'Brocante' is a specific variety of Syngonium. Here are some care tips for this plant: **1. Light:** Place the Syngonium 'Brocante' in a bright location, out of direct sunlight. Bright to medium light works well for this plant. **2. Watering:** Water when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch. Do not let the soil become completely dry, but also avoid excess water. Syngoniums prefer slightly moist soil. **3. Humidity:** Maintain moderate to high relative humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant by using a tray of water nearby or placing a humidifier in the room. **4. Temperature:** Maintain a constant room temperature between 18 and 24°C. Avoid temperatures that are too low, especially below 10°C. **5. Fertilizer:** Fertilize the plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer during the growing season, usually spring and summer. Follow package directions for frequency of application. **6. Pruning:** Pinch stem ends regularly to encourage bushier growth. It can also help control the shape of the plant. **7. Cleaning:** Wipe the sheets regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust. This also promotes plant respiration. **8. Repotting:** Repot the plant every two to three years, or when you notice the roots starting to become cramped in the pot. Use a well-aerated potting mix. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep a Syngonium ' Brocante ' healthy and thriving. Keep in mind that each plant may have slightly different needs, so observe your Syngonium carefully to adjust care accordingly.
Entretien Tradescantia Purple heart


Maintenance Tradescantia Purple heart

by tushar gupta on Jan 04, 2024
Tradescantia zebrina, also known as "Purple Heart" because of the distinctive color of its leaves, is an easy-to-care-for houseplant. Here are some tips for its maintenance: Light: Tradescantia Purple Heart prefers bright to moderate light. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, but make sure it receives good light. A location with filtered light is ideal. Watering: Water regularly, but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. It prefers slightly moist soil, but excess water can lead to root rot. In winter, reduce the frequency of watering. Humidity: Tradescantia zebrina appreciates a humid atmosphere. You can increase the humidity by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier. Temperature: It thrives at temperatures between 18 and 24°C. It can tolerate lower temperatures, but avoid cold drafts. Fertilizer: Fertilize the plant monthly in spring and summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Reduce frequency during fall and winter. Pruning: Pinch stem ends regularly to encourage compact, branched growth. You can also remove stems that are too long to maintain a bushier shape. Repotting: Repot the Tradescantia Purple Heart in the spring every two to three years to renew the substrate and give more space to the roots. Propagation: This plant is easy to propagate. You can do this by cutting the stems and replanting them in moist potting soil. Cleaning: Dust the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and keep the plant healthy. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep a Tradescantia Purple Heart healthy and thriving inside your home.
Entretien Aglaonema White Joy


Maintenance Aglaonema White Joy

by tushar gupta on Jan 04, 2024
Aglaonema White Joy is a special variety of aglaonema, prized for the rarity of its bright white leaves. To ensure healthy growth and maximize its beauty, follow these maintenance tips, while integrating SEO elements for increased visibility: Light: Place your Aglaonema White Joy in a bright location, but avoid direct exposure to sunlight, as this may damage its delicate leaves. Aglaonemas thrive in moderate to low light conditions. Watering: Keep the soil slightly moist, but avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Moderate and regular watering is recommended. Adapt the frequency according to the needs of the plant and the conditions of your environment. Humidity: Aglaonemas appreciate a humid atmosphere. If the air is dry, consider increasing the humidity around the plant by using a humidifier or placing a tray of water nearby. Temperature: Maintain a constant room temperature between 18 and 24°C. Avoid sudden temperature changes that could stress the plant. Fertilizer: Fertilize your Aglaonema White Joy with a balanced fertilizer, specially formulated for houseplants, every two to four months during the growing period (spring and summer). This will promote healthy growth. Cleaning the leaves: Dust the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and allow the plant to better absorb light. Repotting: Repot your aglaonema once a year in spring, using a well-aerated soil mixture rich in organic matter.
Entretien Begonia Rex


Begonia Rex Care

by tushar gupta on Jan 04, 2024
Caring for Begonia Rex, also called royal begonia, requires special attention due to its specific needs. Here are some tips for taking good care of your Begonia Rex: Light: Rex begonias prefer filtered light to direct sunlight. Place the plant in a bright location, but avoid direct exposure to sunlight, especially during the hottest hours of the day. Temperature: Maintain a constant room temperature between 18 and 24°C. Rex begonias are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature, so avoid cold drafts. Humidity: These plants like high humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier. Watering: Keep the substrate slightly moist but not soggy. Allow the surface of the soil to dry slightly between two waterings. Avoid excess water, as Rex begonia is susceptible to root rot. Substrate: Use a light, well-aerated mixture rich in organic matter. Houseplant mixes with peat moss, perlite and vermiculite generally work well. Fertilizer: Feed your Rex begonia with a diluted balanced fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks during the growing period (spring and summer). Reduce doses during fall and winter. Pruning: Pinch the ends of the stems to encourage compact, branched growth. Also remove wilted leaves to avoid mold problems. Transplanting: Repot your Rex begonia once a year in spring. This helps renew the substrate and give more space to the roots. Pest Protection: Watch for mealybugs, aphids and mites. If an infestation occurs, treat the plant with insecticide solutions or using natural methods like insecticidal soap. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep a Rex begonia healthy and enjoy its beautiful, colorful leaves.
Entretien: Stromanthe Triostar


Interview: Stromanthe Triostar

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Stromanthe Triostar, also known as Calathea Triostar, is a houseplant prized for its colorful and decorative leaves. Here are some care tips for this plant: 1. **Light:** - Place the Stromanthe Triostar in a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight which can burn the leaves. Bright indirect light is ideal. 2. **Watering:** - Keep the soil constantly moist, but do not leave it soggy. Water when the top of the soil begins to dry out. - Use water at room temperature and avoid hard water. 3. **Humidity:** - Stromanthe Triostar prefers high humidity. Increase the humidity around the plant by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Avoid sudden temperature changes and protect the plant from cold drafts. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize during the growing period (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks. Reduce fertilizer during fall and winter. 6. **Soil:** - Use a mixture of well-draining potting soil rich in organic matter. Make sure the pot has drainage holes. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and maintain leaf health. 8. **Rotation:** - Turn the plant regularly to ensure even leaf growth and prevent the plant from leaning toward the light. 9. **Size:** - Remove yellow or damaged leaves as they appear to encourage new leaf growth. 10. **Protection against parasites:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests, such as mealybugs or red spiders. Deal with any issues promptly with appropriate methods. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep a Stromanthe Triostar healthy and enjoy its beautiful, multi-colored leaves.
Entretien: Senecio rowleyanus String of perles


Maintenance: Senecio rowleyanus String of pearls

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Senecio rowleyanus, commonly known as "String of pearls", is an attractive and easy to care for succulent plant. Here are some tips for caring for your Senecio rowleyanus: 1. **Light:** - Place the Senecio rowleyanus in a bright location with bright indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sun, but prolonged exposure can burn the leaves. 2. **Watering:** - This succulent plant prefers moderate watering. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings to prevent root rot. - Reduce watering during the dormant period in winter. 3. **Humidity:** - Bead chains adapt well to normal humidity levels in most homes. They do not need high humidity. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a normal room temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Avoid extreme temperatures. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize lightly with a balanced succulent fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer). Do not apply fertilizer during the winter. 6. **Soil:** - Use a cactus and succulent potting mix or prepare your own mix with standard potting soil and sand to ensure good drainage. 7. **Size:** - Remove discolored or damaged stems to encourage growth and maintain the appearance of the plant. 8. **Spread:** - String of pearls is easy to propagate from cuttings. Cut a healthy stem and let it dry before replanting it in a new substrate. 9. **Support:** - If the stems become too long and sag, you can support them with discreet stakes or hang them to maintain a beautiful hanging shape. 10. **Protection against parasites:** - Inspect the plant regularly for possible parasites, such as mealybugs or red spiders. Address any issues promptly if necessary. By following these care tips, you should be able to successfully grow and care for your Senecio rowleyanus and enjoy its long strings of delicate pearls.
Entretien: Epiphyllum Angulier


Maintenance: Epiphyllum Angulier

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Epiphyllums, also known as orchid cacti or epiphytic cacti, are houseplants favored for their large, dramatic flowers. Here are some care tips for epiphyllums: 1. **Light:** - Epiphyllums prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct exposure to the sun, especially during the hottest hours of the day. 2. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Avoid extreme temperatures and cold drafts. 3. **Watering:** - Water regularly during the growing period (spring and summer). The soil should remain slightly moist, but avoid water stagnation. - Reduce watering during the rest period (fall and winter) and allow the substrate to dry out between waterings. 4. **Humidity:** - Epiphyllums prefer moderate humidity. If the air is dry, spray water around the plant regularly or place a tray of water nearby. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize during the growing period with a balanced houseplant fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks. - Reduce or stop fertilizer during the rest period. 6. **Soil:** - Use a well-draining potting mix, generally intended for cacti or succulents. 7. **Support:** - Since epiphyllums have flat, flexible stems, they may require support. Use stakes or trellis structures to support the stems if necessary. 8. **Size:** - Prune the stems to maintain the shape of the plant and to remove damaged or weak sections. 9. **Spread:** - Epiphyllums can be propagated from stem cuttings. Let the cutting dry slightly before planting it in a suitable substrate. 10. **Protection against parasites:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests such as mealybugs or red spiders. Address any problems as they arise. By following these care tips, you should be able to successfully grow epiphyllums and enjoy their beautiful flowers when they are in full bloom.
Entretien: Ludisia Discolor


Care: Ludisia Discolor

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Ludisia discolor, also known as "Jewel Orchid", is a popular houseplant for its attractive leaves and elegant appearance. Here are some care tips for this terrestrial orchid: 1. **Light:** - Place Ludisia discolor in a bright location with bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as this may damage the leaves. 2. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C during the day and do not let the temperature drop below 15°C at night. 3. **Watering:** - Keep the substrate constantly slightly damp. Water when the top of the growing medium is dry, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely. - Avoid letting water stagnate in the saucer, as excess water can cause root rot. 4. **Humidity:** - Ludisia discolor likes high humidity. Place a tray of water nearby or use a humidifier to maintain a good humidity level. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a diluted balanced fertilizer. Reduce frequency during fall and winter. 6. **Soil:** - Use a well-aerated substrate rich in organic matter. A mixture for terrestrial orchids is generally suitable. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and promote optimal breathing. 8. **Size:** - Remove yellow or damaged leaves to encourage new leaf growth. 9. **Support:** - Provide support for flower stems, as Ludisia discolor produces small white flowers on upright stems. 10. **Spread:** - Ludisia discolor can be propagated by dividing the plant when repotting. Make sure each section has healthy roots. By following these tips, you should be able to keep your Ludisia discolor healthy and enjoy its discreet, elegant beauty.
Entretien: Begonia Maculata


Care: Begonia Maculata

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Begonia maculata, also known as Angel Wing Begonia, is an attractive houseplant with decorative, spotted leaves. Here are some care tips for this plant: 1. **Light:** - Place the Begonia maculata in a bright location, but avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Bright, indirect light is ideal. 2. **Watering:** - Keep the soil slightly moist, but do not leave it soggy. Allow the top layer of soil to dry slightly between waterings. - Water from below to prevent water from touching the leaves. 3. **Humidity:** - Begonia maculata prefers relatively high humidity. You can increase the humidity by placing the plant on a tray of water with pebbles or using a humidifier. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant temperature between 18°C ​​and 24°C. Avoid significant temperature variations. 5. **Fertilizer:** -Fertilize the plant every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. 6. **Soil:** - Use a mixture of well-draining potting soil rich in organic matter. Good drainage is essential to prevent root rot. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and prevent mold problems. 8. **Size:** - Pinch out new growth to encourage more compact, branched growth. - Remove yellow or damaged leaves as they appear. 9. **Spread:** - Begonia maculata can be propagated from stem cuttings. Plant the cuttings in a mixture of soil and perlite. 10. **Pest Management:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests such as mealybugs or red spiders. - Deal with any pest problems quickly with appropriate methods. By following these tips, you should be able to maintain a healthy Begonia maculata and enjoy its beautiful spotted leaves.
Entretien: Alocasia Azlanii


Interview: Alocasia Azlanii

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Alocasia Azlanii is an attractive houseplant, characterized by its large, dark purple leaves with veins. To take good care of this plant, here are some maintenance tips: 1. **Light:** - Place the Alocasia Azlanii in a bright location, but avoid direct sunlight, especially in the afternoon. - Bright, filtered or indirect light is ideal. 2. **Watering:** - Keep the soil constantly moist, but do not leave it soggy. Alocasia likes humidity, but excess water can cause root rot. - Water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. 3. **Humidity:** - Alocasia Azlanii prefers high humidity. You can increase the humidity around the plant by placing a tray of water nearby or using a humidifier. - Avoid dry drafts. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant temperature between 18°C ​​and 26°C. Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize during the growing period (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks. - Reduce or stop fertilizer during fall and winter when the plant is dormant. 6. **Soil:** - Use a mixture of well-aerated potting soil rich in organic matter. Good drainage is essential. - Repot if necessary when the plant outgrows its pot. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and promote good respiration of the plant. 8. **Rotation:** - Turn the plant occasionally to ensure even leaf growth. 9. **Size:** - Remove yellow or damaged leaves as they appear to encourage new leaf growth. 10. **Pest Management:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests. - Deal with any pest problems quickly with appropriate methods. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep an Alocasia Azlanii healthy and enjoy its beautiful tropical appearance.
Entretien: Philodendron Pink Birkin


Care: Philodendron Pink Birkin

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
The Philodendron Pink Birkin is an attractive variety of houseplant, loved for its dark green leaves mottled with pink and white. Here are some care tips for this plant: 1. **Light:** - Place the plant in a bright location, but avoid direct exposure to sunlight. - Indirect filtered light is ideal for the Philodendron Pink Birkin. 2. **Watering:** - Allow the top of the soil to dry slightly between waterings. - Water moderately, taking care not to wet the soil too much. - Avoid stagnation of water in the saucer to prevent root rot. 3. **Humidity:** - The Philodendron Pink Birkin appreciates relatively high humidity. - You can increase the humidity by placing the plant on a tray filled with gravel and water or by using a humidifier. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant ambient temperature between 18°C ​​and 26°C. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize during the growing period (spring and summer) with a balanced liquid fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks. - Reduce or stop fertilizer during the dormant period in fall and winter. 6. **Soil:** - Use a mixture of well-draining potting soil with organic matter. - Make sure the pot has drainage holes. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Clean the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove dust and maintain good plant respiration. 8. **Size:** - Prune the plant to remove yellow or damaged leaves and to maintain an attractive shape. - Pruning can also encourage denser growth. 9. **Spread:** - You can propagate Philodendron Pink Birkin by taking cuttings and rooting them in water or potting soil. 10. **Pest Management:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests. - Quickly treat any pest problems with appropriate methods. By following these tips, you should be able to maintain a healthy Philodendron Pink Birkin and enjoy its attractive coloring and elegant growth.
Entretien: Epipremnum Harlequin


Care: Epipremnum Harlequin

by tushar gupta on Jan 01, 2024
Epipremnum harlequin, also known as Pothos harlequin, is a very white variety of the common Pothos plant. Here are some tips for its maintenance: 1. **Light:** - Tolerant of low light, but prefers bright indirect light. - Avoid direct exposure to sunlight, as this can burn the leaves. 2. **Watering:** - Allow the top of the soil to dry between waterings. - Water moderately, taking care not to let the water stagnate in the saucer. 3. **Humidity:** - Tolerates medium to high humidity levels. - You can increase humidity by spraying water around the plant or placing a tray of water nearby. 4. **Temperature:** - Maintain a constant ambient temperature between 18°C ​​and 30°C. 5. **Fertilizer:** - Fertilize every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing period (spring and summer). - Use a balanced or specially formulated liquid fertilizer for houseplants. 6. **Soil:** - Use a mixture of well-draining potting soil with cocopeat. - Make sure the pot has drainage holes. 7. **Cleaning the leaves:** - Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. 8. **Spread:** - You can easily propagate Epipremnum harlequin by taking cuttings and rooting them in water. 9. **Size:** - Prune the plant to maintain an attractive shape. - Remove yellow or damaged leaves to encourage growth. 10. **Pest Management:** - Inspect the plant regularly for the presence of pests. - Treat pest problems as soon as they appear with appropriate methods. By following these care tips, you should be able to keep an Epipremnum harlequin healthy and enjoy its colorful, attractive leaves.
Calathea white fusion bouture


Care: Calathea White Fusion

by tushar gupta on Jun 01, 2023
Calathea white Fusion , the queen of Calatheas! Its beauty is impeccable among all the calatheas BUT it is also true that it is the most difficult of all the calatheas. Today we thought of sharing some tips based on our experience over a few years now of cultivating this variety of drama ;)
Les envoies de plantes et boutures, comment ça passe?


How does sending plants and cuttings work?

by tushar gupta on Mar 22, 2023
The cuttings are packaged bare root, well protected in sphagnum moss (to retain humidity during their journey). Depending on the species of cuttings (e.g. succulents), sometimes I put dried sphagnum moss or pack them into the growing pot.